Hurricane Sandy Task Force
The Hurricane Sandy Task Force is a multi-disciplinary group dedicated to examining issues related to regional climate resiliency, risk, infrastructure and housing needs and future disaster preparedness in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.
The Task Force hosted a Webinar, Protecting Your Assets: How Will Sandy (and Future Storms) Affect Real Estate Property Values?, highlighting how detrimental factors are affecting property values locally and nationally and the best practices in future valuation.
At the request of three ULI District Councils—New York, Northern New Jersey, and Philadelphia— ULI will be conducting a Disaster Assistance Advisory Services panel for the New York/New Jersey region beginning on Sunday, July 14. After Sandy: A ULI Advisory Services Panel, consisted of a group of 30 experts from diverse land use backgrounds as they toured disaster affected areas, interviewed 100s of stakeholders in New York City, Long Island and New Jersey to determine a set of principles for making the region more resilient and adaptable to future events.
ULI New York will continue to monitor risk associated with Hurricane Sandy and the effect on real estate valuation.