Resource A Vision for a Greener, Healthier, Cooler Gowanus: Strategies to Mitigate Urban Heat Island Effect January 8, 2018 This comprehensive report outlines how the anticipated rezoning of Gowanus, Brooklyn can be used to address and mitigate a phenomenon known Report - TAP Resilience Technical Assistance Panel
Resource Village of Sleepy Hollow TAP (November, 2017) November 15, 2017 In November 2017, ULI members from New York and Westchester/Fairfield completed a two-day TAP for the Village of Sleepy Hollow. Community and Neighborhood Development Report - TAP Technical Assistance Panel
Resource Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines TAP (August, 2017) August 10, 2017 In August 2017, ULI members from New York, Washington, and Maryland completed a special 1-day Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) Workshop. Report Resilience Technical Assistance Panel Waterfront
Resource The People’s River: A New Vision for the Bronx’s University Heights Waterfront July 24, 2014 This TAP, hosted in July 2014, focused on exploring the development potential for the University Heights waterfront. Report - TAP Technical Assistance Panel Waterfront
Resource Broadway Junction June 26, 2014 This TAP focused on exploring development opportunities in the transit-rich hub Broadway Junction in eastern Brooklyn. Report - TAP Technical Assistance Panel Transit-Oriented Development