Entry Title: La Mezcla
School: Columbia University and Pratt Institute
Overview (Narrative Excerpt from Project Submission): “La Mezcla is designed around three pillars: ecology, community, and economy. This LEED Platinum, mixed-used development creates an environmentally sustainable community that remains relevant through ensuing climate change. The development seeks to bring together the socioeconomic diversity that exists between Wynwood and Edgewater despite the physical and perceived barrier occurring on the site. In creating new jobs through the commercial hubs and new corporate tenants, current residents will directly benefit from the economic growth.”
Jury comments on the original proposal:
- Excellent mission statement.
- Nice sustainability focus.
- Nice connectivity to waterfront.
- Good mix of retail, office, residential.
- The proposal was thoughtful about zoning in a way that many others were not.
- The board was easy to read.
- The density is right, with more density towards the middle, and in scale with what could be at this location.
- Good core public space.
- Phasing is realistic and connects to the mission of La Mezcla.
- Financials are good. Very detailed pro-forma, parcel-by-parcel analysis, and phasing summary. Good capital stack.
- Pavel Petrov (Team Leader), Master of Real Estate Development, Columbia University
- Jonathan Hong, Master of Real Estate Development, Columbia University
- Matea Kulusic, Master of Real Estate Development, Columbia University
- Duane Martinez, Master of City and Regional Planning, Pratt Institute
- Matthew Mitchell, Master of Architecture, Pratt Institute
Academic Advisers:
- David Kruth, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Real Estate Development, Columbia University
- John Shapiro, Professor, Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment, Pratt Institute
Professional Advisers:
- Philip Wharton, Chief Investment Officer, Twining Properties
- Erik Rose, Managing Director of Residential Development, Tishman Speyer
Final Submission Materials:
- Presentation Board 1
- Presentation Board 2
- Presentation Board 3
- Presentation Board 4
- Presentation Slides
- Pro Forma Summary
- Pro Forma
- Supplementary Pro Forma Summary
Original Submission Materials: